Daktilo Yazı <p id='anima' style="position: absolute; font-size: 12; left: 20; top: 0; width: 215; height: 20"> </font></p> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> text = " www.filanca.com-Link ve Eğlence Merkezi" word = text.split('.') i = 0; //letter count j = 0; //which word in array is to be spelled start = 0; //variable to hold cycles of the blink scount = 0; //variable to hold cycles of the mispell function checkIt() { with(document.all.anima) { if(innerText.charAt(innerText.length-1) == "_") { innerText = innerText.substring(0, innerText.length - 1); return true; } else { innerText = innerText + "_"; return false; } } } function blinkfor(count, timing) { with(document.all.anima) { if(start < count) { if(checkIt()) { start++; } mistake = 'blinkfor('+count+','+timing+')'; setTimeout('eval(mistake)', timing); } else { start = 0; i++; call_It(); } } } function mispell(offset,correction) { with(document.all.anima) { if(scount < offset) { </body></html>